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Survey on endurance sport

Joined: 03 Jan 2010
Posts: 1
Oregon, United States
Posted: Sun 03 Jan 2010 11:49 pm GMT   topTop
Do you regularly run, bike, swim, cycle or participate in other types of exercise? Is endurance sport an integral part of your life?

Please click on the link to complete a short (10-15 minutes), anonymous survey exploring the link between physical activity and psychological transformation.

Every athlete is welcome to complete the survey, but men and women who rely on extreme or intense physical movement (ultra runners!), activity or sport to overcome or manage problems such as depression, addiction, and grief are especially needed. Confidentiality is assured. Thank you and happy new year!

Joined: 31 Mar 2014
Posts: 5
SHEFFIELD, United Kingdom
Posted: Mon 31 Mar 2014 09:52 am GMT   topTop
Do you run long distance ultras? or anything more than the regular marathon? Is endurance running a key aspect of your life? or is it a hobby?

Please could you fill in a quick 2 minute questionnaire on the motivations for participation in long distance running.

The survey is looking for long distance runners. The current literature linked with participation and the motivations provide analytical views and studies on the concept of class/cultural/social and economic aspects related to running.

Confidentiality is assured. Thank you in advance!
