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Trail & Ultra Running Forums Index » Run and Race Reports » PINELAND FARMS 50 miler


Joined: 02 Apr 2010
Posts: 16
Maine, United States
Posted: Tue 01 Jun 2010 01:58 am GMT   topTop
I did the Pineland Farms 50 mile race this Sunday. www.pinelandfarms.com

This is a great opportunity for someone to run a 50 mile race in the east. I strongly suggest if you live in the north east that you check it out.

They also do a cain cross event, 5K, a 25K a 50K and the 50 miler in the same weekend. There is a really nice festival environment with tons of food, beer and music.

1- I can't say enough good things about the race. It was a well thought out course. The aid stations were AWESOME!

2-It was my first 50 miler, I had only run 2 marathons before and ran/walker 36 miles in a training run (that took 7.5 hrs on mountainous logging roads)
I am a slow marathon runner at that, 4.5 hrs average, so I was looking to just finish the 50 miler within the 13 hour cutoff and do well (not let it turn into a bloodbath death march)

The experience was a learning experience and very revealing. It was not as tough as I thought it was going to be. I realized that maybe I need trail shoes and I DEFIANTLY need gators. I ended up having to stop and take rocks out of my shoes several times.

All and all it was a good time, and I will be back for more.
Joined: 28 Nov 2006
Posts: 35
Arkansas, United States
Posted: Tue 01 Jun 2010 12:20 pm GMT   topTop
I did the 50 K a few years ago and agree with your account. A very well-organized, fun, friendly event and a great "first ultra" experience. It's not a technical course and it's a great atmosphere for the family to watch and see you at the end of loops.
Joined: 02 Apr 2010
Posts: 16
Maine, United States
Posted: Tue 01 Jun 2010 09:18 pm GMT   topTop
It was a blast